Main page | Breton language | Irish language | My cv | Links
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Universities and research organisations:

European University of Brittany, Rennes 2

University of Ulster at Coleraine, Northern Ireland

The C.R.B.C. (Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique)

C.R.B.C Rennes 2


The association S.E.B. (Société d'Ethnolinguistique Bretonne - Breton Ethnolinguistics Society)

Dictionaries of Breton dialects, with recordings

My personal page (where one can download my articles)

The first ALBB (Atlas Linguistique de Basse-Bretagne - Linguistic Atlas of Breton-Speaking Brittany)

Addenda to Francis Favereau's dictionary : Breton-French et French-Breton

Radio Bro-Gwened (A radio in the Vannes dialect of Breton)

Recordings of native speakers of Breton, made by the collectors of the association Spered ar Yezh.

Irish language:

My yahoogroup for people who are learning Ulster Irish

Recordings of native speakers of Donegal Irish

Scottish Gaelic:

An awesome website about Scottish Gaelic:

Field linguistics:

Two freewares, to create your own dictionaries: Toolbox et LexiquePro

A freeware to work on sound files: Audacity

A freeware to transcribe recordings more easily: Express Scribe

The C.R.D.O. (Centre de Ressources pour la Description de l'Oral - Resources Centre for the Description of Oral)

The LACITO (Laboratoire de langues et civilisations à tradition orale - Laboratory of languages and cultures of oral tradition)